Microsoft Edge. You seems to be using Microsoft Edge. We are working hard to fix issues with this browser. You will have better results with Firefox or Chrome.
You are now using the border editor. You can drag your cursor to draw multiple borders at once or click on any border to activate or deactivate it. You can change the border style on the right panel.
Paste here a table from a webpage, a Word document, an Excel document or an OpenOffice document.
Help us !
Since the launch of this site, this utility has generated millions of tables, making life easier for students, scientists, academics and LaTeX enthusiasts. My goal was to create an editor that would be easy to use, that would generate its own code and that would handle all situations to produce clean and neat tables.
I am the sole developer of this project and I ask for your help. I would like to include many more features on this website, so that creating tables can become an even easier task.
To learn more about this annual campaign and make a donation, click on the button below. You can make a donation by credit card, Paypal, Apple Pay and more.
This utility allows you to load XLS, XLSX, XLSM, CSV, OSD, SLK files and more. You can't load LaTeX files yet with this utility. Use the other utility instead.
Drag a file
- or -
One step left. Select the workbook you want to import.
Alternate Rows Background Colors
Advanced export settings
LaTeX options
Table's caracteristics
Fit table to page method
Double borders interactions
Advanced options
Microfixes are features that improves the presentation of your table, but may use a lot of ressources.